Sunday, April 19, 2009

Day 3 (I think)

Bits and pieces of a thousand conversations are coming back to me now... "birth is a miracle, but don't plan on sleeping for months... your baby's diapers won't smell the first few times you change him... make SURE to cover your kid's kickstand right when you take the diaper off..."  The list goes on and on.  

I'm finding that I knew exactly what I thought I knew about child rearing - nothing.  But it's been far more enjoyable than I ever imagined.  Add the advice I've heard over the past 10 months is accurate, and for naught.  I think we're just learning things on our own as we go along.  

Last night was good for me - I came home to catch a couple hours sleep.  Summer tried a sleeping pill at the hospital, but Ty doesn't like formula, so the crew kept bringing him in to feast on the twin bounties.  I think it was another rough night for her, but she won't admit it. 

Worst part about today was Ty's circumcision, which is a supreme exercise in parental guilt.  Makes you wince and hate the pediatrician.   At least we got them to finally take out his hand IV.  We tried to gather as many freebies as possible and then bolted from the hospital at 11 or so, and he's been perfect all day.  I guess tonight will be the true test - good thing there's no work tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Beautifully said. And don't you even dare think about work!

