Sunday, June 28, 2009

Call me biased

As Tyler gets older he gets cuter and cuter. He smiles and laughs more each day and always looks like he has something important to tell us. He loves to sit in his swing which has two toys on the tray in front of it. One of them is a zebra, and everytime he is in the swing we joke that he is yelling at it. He stares intently at it and talks to it like he is mad. I don't know what the zebra did to him, but it must have been something serious.


  1. Just think.. he's going to get cuter (If that's possible) I love the picture of Ty with Budda. Buddies already :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. He is so Cute! And I am an unbiased party... kinda! I love him! The cross eyed pic is killing me!
