OK, it's safe to say I'm the biggest slacker in the blogosphere. Oddly enough, I had four people in one day chide me about how out of date this blog is. I have no excuse - it's sad we haven't posted in a month and a half. So here's a rundown since my "birthday" post:
- Our Romanian friends, the Alecus, came to visit, which was great. Chowed on sarmale, salam, mamaliga, telemea, and a bunch of other good stuff. Gigi knows what she's doing in the kitchen.
- Did we mention our trip to Zions already? Went for work and took Sum and Ty along. We tried to hike with the Bjorn, spent some time poolside and just chilled.
- Summer went back to work. I think we were both a bit worried about this, not so much for Tyler's sake, but for Summer's emotional state. In spite of our concerns, she's loved being back at work, and values her time with Tyler all the more. It's made a lot easier by the nanny situation - Jess Duncan and Menissa Parker have been incredible. There's no one we'd trust more to watch the kid. Summer's mom has also come up to help out. It's funny when Leigh Ann gets in the Tyler zone, because it's like nothing else exists. She gets sucked into the baby vortex or something. Must be a grandma thing, cause my mom does the same thing.
- We think we finally have the acid reflux thing figured out (cross your fingers, knock on wood, or do any other superstitious thing you can think of now). Heretofore, just to control the pained screaming, we've been having Ty guzzle Mylanta syringe by syringe. We finally talked the doc into prescribing Prevacid. At first we didn't see any difference - except that his drool turned powder red from the "dissolvable" pills. But then, three days ago, he became a completely different kid. He hardly ever cries any more, you can lay him down without him shrieking and clenching his fists in pain, and he actually sleeps now and again. Seriously, give the inventor of Prevacid the Nobel prize. Unless it stops working all of a sudden - then you can send him to my house to hold Tyler while he screams at 3 a.m.
- Ty had his second doc's appointment Wednesday. He's 11.5 pounds now, 24 inches. That puts him in the 90th percentile for height, and something like the 60th for weight. They also shot him up with four different vaccines. Ty didn't cry much though, just scowled at the doc and nurse after looking shocked - "Why would you do that to me?" Glad he's healthy.
- Our best friends, Chad and Jordan, suffered a tragedy. Jordan's dad died suddenly of a stroke. We feel so bad for them and hope they find peace. They did a great job at his funeral. We're thinking about you, Chad and Jordan.
I think that about covers a month of our lives. Getting pretty boring, right? Gotta do something about that...
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